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Get motivated and STAY motivated!

Writer's picture: Mette BlochMette Bloch

Maintaining motivation can be tough, and often it's because we weren't that motivated to begin with. You see, if you're focusing on a goal where you only seek some external validation, meaning it doesn't matter to you on the inside other than wanting others to admire or look up to you, then it won't last long. If you get distracted, or something else gets in the way, you'll lose it too. So what's needed? I've made a list for you to check out - use what makes sense for you, and throw the rest into the bin. Enjoy!

1. Set specific goals

Specifying your goals and ambitions is crucial for keeping motivation alive. This approach is supported by I. Taylor in "A Motivational Model of Endurance and Persistence" (2021), where setting clear, achievable goals is recommended to maintain motivation over time (Taylor, 2021).

2. Find your inner motivation

Studies by Richard L. Sorensen and M. Maehr show that inner motivation, i.e., the joy and interest in the task itself, is important for maintaining motivation. Adding external rewards can in some cases decrease the motivation for an already interesting task (Sorensen & Maehr, 1976).

3. Be flexible and adaptable

Motivation can also be affected by how we handle stress and changes in our surroundings. L. Sullivan et al. (2019) have explored how social anxiety can lead to changes in cognitive flexibility, which in turn affects our motivation and reward-seeking behavior (Sullivan et al., 2019).

4. Balance inner and outer motivation

In the world of sports, the balance between inner and outer motivation is crucial. Mohamad Bakhtiar Bin Abdul Azid et al. (2023) highlighted how a combination of self-satisfaction and external rewards such as recognition can improve athletes' performance and engagement (Mohamad Bakhtiar Bin Abdul Azid et al., 2023).

5. Focus on positive personality and purpose

Rose Silitonga (2009) discusses how a positive mindset and a clear purpose can be the fuel that drives individuals towards their goals, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong motivation (Silitonga, 2009).

6. Apply self-motivating techniques

Understanding and applying effective self-motivating techniques can be crucial for maintaining your motivation over time. In the chapter "Motivation Strategies: How to motivate yourself and others" from the book published in 2018, a range of strategies are introduced that can help both you and others to continue to maintain motivation.

The techniques include those you might know from SMART goals, namely setting realistic goals, recognizing and celebrating successes, developing a positive mindset, and finding your inner drive instead of just focusing on external rewards (DOI:10.21019/9781582123134.ch9).

It's important to remember that motivation is personal and can vary from person to person. What motivates you might be different from what motivates others. Therefore, experimenting with different techniques can help you find what works best for you.

Find your calling. If you don't have one right now, try different things. Sooner or later, you'll find something you're passionate about, and that's when all the fun starts!

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