testimonials are more than a bunch of logos!
(Here you have a selection of the many hundreds)

Hi Mette,
Thank you for your email. It will definitely be sent around to everyone!
And so many thanks for your talk on Friday.
I would like to repeat that I thought you did an absolutely excellent job. I was impressed with how you elegantly made the small important connections to our situation. And you are just a very skilled motivational speaker.
Can also share with you that everyone I spoke to during the evening was very enthusiastic about your talk.
Thank you and well done !
Yours sincerely
Director of E2E Digital, Marketing & Channels
Mette did a fantastic job in telling her extraordinary life experience in her journey to becoming a top athlete and world champion. With a great balance between humor, honesty, and excellent story telling, Mette was the perfect motivational speaker for a large group of global partners from all walks of life. Thank you Mette for a great evening!
Yours sincerely
Daniel Alonso Van Camp
Compensation & Reward Specialist
Program Management / People & Culture
Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Mette Bloch is undoubtedly a winner! It is difficult to describe in words what a gift it is to experience Mette. She burns through in a unique way with her messages. In a completely simple and refined way. One's life somehow becomes much better after meeting Mette.
Pernille Juel Sefor
HR Development Manager, HR & Internal Communication
For our summer conference, we had the pleasure of Mette's company in the form of a presentation in English. Our Nordic team was together and it was therefore important that Mette's presentation could be delivered in English.
We experienced an exciting day together with Mette, who really had studied our situation and guides us through the day. All topics were angled by Mette in the direction of our company and our needs, beautifully inspired by Mette´s own personal experiences throughout her own career.
The fact that the presentation had to be done in English was no problem for Mette and you could clearly see that it was just as natural for Mette to work in English as in Danish.
I can only recommend Mette's exciting presentation - also in English.
Anja Pihl,
Senior Territory Manager

"A review on our visit from Mette Bloch at our summer party.
I had sent Mette our professional part by email that we had in mind, she came up with it, she made sure that there was a common thread between our professional part and the post she came up with. She was incredibly well prepared and she started by capturing people from the start. Her presentation was inspiring but also really fun, she got people to be part of the presentation and the hour she was on felt like 10 min.
The feedback I have received:
Cool post that is different.
She captured the audience and made it fun to be a part of
She is very inspiring
Cool way to talk about your life but also to combine the professional part.
We have been very satisfied and this will not be the last time we use her.”
Haldor Topsøe
Dear Mette,
Thanks for last Friday, you were superb! Fortunately, I am not the only one who thinks so, because for the first time ever I have experienced that all feedback has been positive and that people are actually actively giving feedback.
I hear descriptions like; great, extremely funny, really good points, inspiring, she delivered the goods, the lecture made a difference in my life, good humor, how do we follow up?, let's talk more about this, wow, there were 3 things, what was it now the first thing was???NOW yes, I have to start by setting a goal etc etc etc
It simply worked!
Many greetings,
Susanne, Haldor Topsøe

On Friday morning, we did a scoring of our entire seminar – the 5 teams/departments had to score each post with a grade of 1-10. The result for Mette was a grade of 9.9 = top scorer - it probably couldn't have been much better. Here are some specific comments on Mette's post: ¤ Some had thought that they would just have to sit and hear about her rowing career, so they were very pleasantly surprised. One was so caught up that she forgot to go to pick up the children and had to call her mother-in-law so that the children were picked up on time. They think that there were good points in her post, and there were various things that they were particularly attached to. ¤ Super good post. Many good points - certainly something we in the team will be able to use as a common framework for thinking positively. It is now suddenly legal to say "How great it is that I get this laugh..., because..." ¤ Great form of "pep-talk" - hit the spot in relation to everyone's everyday life. From Mette's post, we take the following things with us: – How do we make the trivial tasks more fun? - We want, in connection with our gymnastics every day at 10 and 14, get some exercises where we get mental energy and not just touch ourselves.
Yours sincerely,
Henrik Boas,
Team leader, PFA Pension
Institute of Technology
Hey Mette
Thank you for the end and for your contribution to the conference "Job satisfaction and efficiency".
We have now added up the evaluations and the event received an exceptionally good evaluation as a whole. As you know, both the conference as a whole and the individual speakers were rated on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is the best. Your own performance was assessed at 1.0 for the academic content and 1.0 for the presentational part. The comments from the participants were:
"awesome" and "you're too cool"
Once again, thank you for your efforts at the conference.
Connie Christensen
Project manager

Novo Nordisk
I had the great pleasure of meeting Mette Bloch at my departmental seminar with 85 people yesterday, where Mette spoke for an hour on the subject of "engagement". It was an absolutely incredible experience - far beyond my expectations - which were already great. Mette immediately managed to "grab" all of us and, in her very direct and not least humorous way, send some important messages about "commitment" that were easy for everyone to understand. I am also sure that Mette has "come to stay in our department". Her post has set so many thoughts and conversations in motion that we are by no means finished "thinking along the lines she so elegantly led us into". The reactions I have received from the employees today are only positive - and Mette is highlighted by almost everyone as being the absolute best and greatest experience of the day. I would hope for the sake of my surroundings that a lot of people get the opportunity to experience Mette!
Lene C. Andersen,
Novo Nordisk
I would like, after that experience, to contribute with input regarding the event. The mood here in the house was very positive on Monday morning after our Saturday event. We lived up to the experience all weekend. Mette was in fantastic "shape" she must have prepared for the event all the way from Copenhagen to Odense. Immediately after she arrived, she was on. Mette is fantastic at describing her experiences, challenges and goals in a fantastically descriptive and pictorial way. People almost sat and booed, their eyes were full of tears, so much was laughing. Mette hits us directly on our emotions, we can all identify with the situations and images she describes. There is definitely something to take home. The goal for us was for Mette to give our strategy day a positive and inspiring end. She did that to the fullest. I can highly recommend Mette,
"she comes as an anonymous person and leaves as a star who has given a great gift".
Henrik Jacobsen, Sales Manager, Zenitel Denmark.

Danish Furniture Transport
Dear Mette
Many thanks for your post, which hit the bulls eye!
In the evening - and today via email, I have only heard positive comments about the event, including your "Bloch grant".
Well done!
Yours sincerely
HR consultant
Hans Christian Nielsen
In our evaluation, Mette scored 4.9 on a 5-point scale out of 60 interviewed managers. It is the best evaluation that has ever been given at our boss & manager seminars! I think the good result is due to the fact that Mette gives a lot of herself and at the same time is good at tying her points together with some really good stories from her own life. In any case, her point is also stuck here a few weeks later.
Jonas Bladt Hansen
DSB S-train