Keynote by Mette Bloch
If you have never experienced a keynote by Mette Bloch, click on the video on the left and watch for a few minutes. (In danish, but you'll get the idea)
The stories and angles change depending on what you need in your business, but one thing that never changes is that humor is at the center and that it has to be something that makes a difference to you , your employees or colleagues.
No furrowed brows, no raised index fingers, but experiences that make a lasting impression and thus make a difference.
TedX - Frederiksberg
Here is another example, A TedX that was recorded in Radiohuset's concert hall in 2021.
Actually, you have to go through a long screening process and have 6 months to prepare your speech, but I was called only 4 days before, due to a cancellation.
It had to be written (in full length) and sent that night, and since I had some standup to deliver two days later, I had to wait to rehearse the Ted until I had landed my comedy.
Thursday evening at 11 pm I therefore started to practice. All Friday I drove it through, Saturday there was a dress rehearsal, and Sunday it was delivered.
I had been given 12 minutes and HAD to keep the time.
"Excuse me, are we allowed to laugh here?"
..You perform best when you're having fun. It doesn't have to be thigh-slapping fun - but you have to be happy…
There is no one who hates to have fun. End of discussion - period!
- Everything is better when we are have fun. And no, it doesn't have to be thigh-slapping fun, but as in we feel entertained and challenged.
What you might not know is that it's a dial we can turn, in the sense that your work and your life in general can become more boring or more fun, depending on which way you turn the thermostat.
Can you"take trick yourself to better habits"so you don't fall into the traps that undeniably await when the energy is low at the end of your workday? YES! you can. Learn all this and much more as you get a condensed hour of sharp insights and entertaining facts you'll be able to use for the rest of your life!
What's your take-away from the lecture?
You learn shortcuts on how to charge the batteries so that you not only feel better at work, but also when you get home. You will gain insight into how easy it is to change a bad habit, it does not require suffering for several weeks, just small changes that you stick to. The talk is for everyone who wants to perform better privately and at work with easy and proven tools that are fun and easy to implement. Initiatives that you can trace all the way the company's bottom line and on top of that, more successful relationships with others.
Mette Bloch has given talks on job satisfaction for the largest Danish companies and has been very successful in getting the participants to not only laugh, but also to think about new and more fun ways to go about life. Simple hacks and tricks that can be learned, and it's not boring to learn how to have a little more fun.
The talk is not for people who like to be bored and have an employer-paid's hilarious, and you will be able to recognize yourself in countless of the situations that are described.
Talk #1
Talk #2
Win on purpose!
..About setting goals, and not least the tools to achieve them…
Why is it so often the same people who are always successful? - why is it so difficult to set inspiring goals? - why is it important to get outside the comfort zone? - how do you plan success? - why are some people good at "training" but can't perform when it really matters? - why do some people get stressed? - what can you actually learn from elite sports? - is it possible to adapt?
The talk is based on elite sports and gives fun examples of how you can plan and turn hard work into more play and greater success. You'll get a lot of tools that you can take directly into your organization and use, but you can also take it home and give both yourself and your family more quality and more smiles in everyday life.
What's the take-away from the talk?
"Win on purpose" is about how you set goals and achieve them! - the focus is putting one foot in front of the other, without getting too out of breath along the way.
The talk is hilarious and you will be able to recognize yourself in a large part of the situations that are described.
It is not "rocket science" and you will most likely nod in recognition to some of the principles you hear about, but from there and then to go home and actually change something, this is where Mette is an expert. No one can motivate you but yourself, but you can be inspired and get the spirit- and then the motivation comes automatically.
Mette starts from her rowing career and talks about what she did from the time she made the decision to become world champion until she became one!
Anyone can learn the techniques, and you'll get the complete guide, with all the ups and downs that come with it.
The cool thing is that you discover that you can do it too, you don't have to be a specially selected person to make your dreams come true.
Get the energy back in your life and your organization.
Mette often get's a pat on the shoulder after a talk and is told that it is "the best stand-up show I've been to" - so there is absolutely no doubt that it is funny!
The best part is that she often meets people who heard her more than 10 years ago but still remember the stories. They stick, and in the cool way!